
课程介绍【网赚上新】075.实操分享2.0(图书起号实战课),手把手教你如何从0-1玩转图书起号! ●加入网赚会员永久更新【23T资料】 ●需要私聊—资料在:网赚2/上新/2023/05月 课程内容: 第01节第一节课程介绍.mp4 第02节第二节涨粉丝.mp4 第03节第三节如何剪辑爆款短视频.mp4 第04节第四节如何挂小黄车等注意事项.mp4 第05节第五节如何绑定随心推亏损关停工具.mp4 第06节第六节随心推如何测品.mp4 第07节第七节随心推分析数据.mp4 第08节第八节千川怎么测视频.mp4


Are you ready to take your book promotion game to the next level? Look no further than the 【图书起号实战课】! In this course, we’ll show you everything you need to know to master the art of book promotion using the latest and greatest tools available.

📚 Step 1: Building Your Platform

The first step to any successful book promotion strategy is to build your platform. In this section, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up your account on 图书起号, establishing your brand voice, and creating eye-catching visuals to attract potential readers.

🤖 Step 2: Automation Tools

Don’t have time to manually promote your book every day? No problem! We’ll introduce you to some of the best automation tools available, from scheduling your social media posts to automating your email campaigns.

💻 Step 3: Analyzing Your Data

The final step in mastering 图书起号 is to analyze your data. We’ll show you how to use the platform’s built-in analytics tools to track your progress, identify areas for improvement, and fine-tune your book promotion strategy for maximum results.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up for the 【图书起号实战课】 today and start taking your book promotion game to the next level!🚀📈

tags #bookpromotion #selfpublishing #automation #dataanalysis #075 #实操分享2.0 #图书起号

华财微课 » 【最新】075.实操分享2.0(图书起号实战课),手把手教你如何从0-1玩转图书起号!



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